Voir en plein écran
23.09 Valfrejus - Refuge du Mont Thabor (2472m) - Col du Peyron (2851m)
Mont Thabor - Take 1
Aurora, Linda, Ioana, Cristina, Maria, Laurentiu, Razvan.
let's put it this way, say we are people out of the ordinary, that we like following our own path, and seeking out different perspectives of the mountains
Lac Long, Lacs Ste-Marguerite
Col du Peyron (2851m)
24.09 Refuge Thabor - Mont Thabor (3178m) - Valfrejus - GrenobleTake 2 - Mont Thabor
Chapelle du Mont Thabor (3178m)
Thy autumn light, I love so much
Refuge du Mont Thabor.
be back in winter time for some sky touring:)